Getting started on Rosella Street,
Welcome to Rosella Street, your new neighbourhood where you can share and contribute within a safe and sustainable community!
By Grace Carr, 11/11/2021

Welcome to Rosella Street, your new neighbourhood where you can share and contribute within a safe and sustainable community! Let’s start with the basics,

Getting started!

Head to either on your computer, tablet or mobile.

If you’re on a mobile device or tablet you will need to tap the 3 lines on the top left of the page to create an account or login.

If you’re on a computer, you can click the login or sign-up button on the top right of the page.

Once you have done that you can fill in the information to either log in or sign up to Rosella Street.

After you have filled in your information you will be sent an email to verify your account.

To do this you will need to head to your email inbox and locate the email, make sure to check your junk inbox if you cannot find it. Once you have found the email you can click the confirmation link and follow the prompts to activate your account.

Now you are ready to go!

Your profile, and settings.

The profile icon is where you will find all your settings, listings, profile and account settings.

This will in the top right of you page on a computer. Click there to access all of the drop-down options.

On a mobile device, this can be accessed by tapping the icon in the top left with the three lines.

Here you will see your inbox, listings, and settings.


Account settings,

In your account settings you can view and change your contact information.

You can also see your payment information and make changes to where you send and receive money from.

You can also change your password in your account settings.

Pay-out details, this is the account where your sales or rental profits will go.

Payment methods, this is the card information that you will use to pay for items you purchase or rent.

Profile settings,

Here is where you can view and change your profile. You can add, view or change your profile picture, name details and bio.

Your sale listings,

This is where you can view all the items you have listed for sale. This is also an easy way to access a listing you want to share. You can click on the listing and share the link on social media or email.

If you want to close a listing, you can tap the ellipses in the top corner of the listing and select the prompt to close the listing.

Your rental listings,

This is where you can view all the items you have listed for rent. You can select and share the links from here on social media or email.

If you want to close a listing, you can tap the ellipses in the top corner of the listing and select the prompt to close the listing.

Your shout outs,

This is where you can view and share your shout outs. To share a shout out, select the listing and copy and paste the link into social media or email.

If you want to close a listing, you can tap the ellipses in the top corner of the listing and select the prompt to close the listing.

Adding your payment information,

Rosella Street uses Stripe, an online payment service that allows you to exchange funds with users without giving out personal information or using cash. We use stripe as it protects our users by enforcing ID verification. This way we can promise our users a safe and easy transaction process.

When signing up to Rosella Street you will be asked to add your payment information through Stripe. You cannot make purchases or sales until you have set this up.

If you would like to know more about Stripe, check out our FAQs Here.

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